Russian Judge Rules Sexual Harassment Is Okay As It Ensures Survival Of Human Race
俄罗斯法官判决: 由于它关乎人类存亡, 性骚扰是可以被接受的。
A woman seeking to become only the third woman ever to successfully bring a sexual harassment case in Russia was dealt a shocking rebuke when the judge threw out her case, ruling that sexual harassment is actually necessary for the survival of the human race:
(在苏联解体以来)俄罗斯第三位性骚扰案的起诉者接到了一个另她吃惊不已的答案:负责该案的法官认为性骚扰是人类生存的必须条件, 因此决定不予审理该起诉。
She alleged she had been locked out of her office after she refused to have intimate relations with her 47-year-old boss.
她申称, 她47岁的老板在她拒绝和他发生亲密关系后把她锁在办公室外面了。
"He always demanded that female workers signalled to him with their eyes that they desperately wanted to be laid on the boardroom table as soon as he gave the word," she earlier told the court. "I didn't realise at first that he wasn't speaking metaphorically."
"If we had no sexual harassment we would have no children," the judge ruled.
“如果我们没有性骚扰, 我们就没新生儿了,” 法官如此说。
Foreign Policy's blog notes that while Russia has made it a major priority to reverse the nation's population decline, this is perhaps not the best way to go about it, considering how dismal working conditions are for Russian women already:
According to a recent survey, 100 percent of female professionals said they had been subjected to sexual harassment by their bosses, 32 percent said they had had intercourse with them at least once and another seven percent claimed to have been raped.